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E-commerce Best Practices: 5 Tips to Improve Order Accuracy

Resonant Link
August 1, 2024

Order accuracy is crucial for e-commerce retailers as it directly impacts customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall profitability. Improving order accuracy is also an essential part of reducing returns, which damage a company’s reputation with its customers and drive up operational costs. Here are five strategies to enhance order accuracy, including automating manual and repetitive tasks like manual plug-in charging and battery swapping for material handling equipment:

1. Automate Manual and Repetitive Tasks

Automating repetitive tasks such as order entry, inventory updates, shipment processing, and material handling can significantly reduce human error and free up staff for more critical quality control tasks. Automation tools can:

  • Ensure consistency: Reduce discrepancies caused by manual data entry and other human error, like operators forgetting to plug forklifts in to charge them, or unplug them so they don’t damage chargers when they drive away.
  • Increase operational efficiency: Speed up order processing and inventory management. Meet increasing demand for fast fulfillment and shipping.
  • Allow team redeployment: Free up labor to focus on quality control, ensuring that orders are accurate before they are shipped.

2. Implement Advanced Order Verification Systems

Utilizing technologies like barcode scanning and RFID can enhance the accuracy of order picking and packing processes. These systems ensure that each item is verified against the order details before being shipped. Benefits include:

  • Validate order accuracy in real-time: Get immediate feedback if an incorrect item is picked and course correct before the error causes lost revenue.
  • Reduce errors: Minimize chances of shipping incorrect products.
  • Streamline operations: Enable faster and more accurate order processing.

3. Enhance Employee Training Programs

Well-trained employees are crucial for maintaining high order accuracy. Regular training sessions on best practices for picking, packing, and shipping can help reduce errors. When combined with using automation to eliminate manual and repetitive tasks like charging material handling equipment, implementing ongoing training and upskilling programs ensures employees are able and motivated to meet a high standard of quality and continuous improvement. Key training areas include:

  • Standard operating procedures: Ensure employees consistently follow processes in place.
  • Technology use: Train staff on how to use automated systems and verification technologies effectively, and how those technologies help them in their jobs.
  • Quality control: Emphasize the importance of accuracy and customer satisfaction, and arm team members with the knowledge and tools to understand and solve any problems that may arise.

4. Optimize Warehouse Layout and Processes

A well-organized warehouse can improve the efficiency and accuracy of order fulfillment. Strategies include:

  • Logical product placement: Arrange products in a way that minimizes travel time and reduces the risk of picking errors.
  • Clear labeling: Use clear and consistent labeling for products and storage locations.
  • Standardized processes: Develop and enforce standard operating procedures for picking, packing, and shipping.

5. Leverage Data Analytics for Continuous Improvement

Data analytics can provide valuable insights into order accuracy and help identify areas for improvement. By analyzing order data, retailers can:

  • Identify error patterns: Detect common issues and take corrective actions.
  • Monitor performance: Track key metrics such as picking accuracy, packing accuracy, and order accuracy rates.
  • Implement improvements: Use data-driven insights to refine processes and enhance overall accuracy.


By automating manual tasks, implementing advanced verification systems, enhancing employee training, optimizing warehouse layouts, and leveraging data and analytics, e-commerce retailers can significantly improve order accuracy. These strategies not only reduce errors but also enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, leading to a more successful and competitive business.

To learn more about how automated wireless charging improves operational efficiency and enables companies to focus more time on high-value work like quality control, contact us today.

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